Serampore Girls' College

13, T.C. Goswami Street, Serampore, Hooghly - 712201, West Bengal, India

Established in 1981, Affiliated to the University of Calcutta

AISHE Code - C11984

Department of Physical Education

Event Details

Physical education and sports

Date: 2022-03-16

Speaker: NA


                                                                    QUIZ CONTEST 

The quiz was conducted verbally. At first there was direct question for each group of five marks and there was also bonus question of two marks. The stuidents of each semester selected five students as vtheir representatives. The students of 4th semester were able to give the answer of four direct questions and two bonus questions and as a result they got 24 marks and secured the 1st position. The students of 6th semester were able to give the answer of two direct questions and five bonus questions and with this they secured the 2nd position with 20 marks. The students of 2nd semester were able to give the answer of three direct questions and with this they secured the 3rd position with 15 marks.  


Objective of the quiz contest  helps a student to gain a broad or specialized  knowledge  of a subject.  It is a mind sports also. Participants are motivated by giving answer. Quiz contest helps to enrich the reaction time.


                Report of the Quiz Contest 

Department of Physical Education organished an inter-semester quiz competition on 16/02/2022. Three groups were created on the basis of the semester i.e. 2nd, 4th and 6th semester. The competition took place near about 12 pm at the department of physical education of serampore girls' college. From each semester five students were selected. There were near about 30 questions on the topic of physical education and games and sports( semester sullabus). 

Result: 1st position  - 4th semester.    2nd position  - 6th semester.  3rd position  - 2nd semester. 


Srudents were highly motivated to take part in the competition, It helped to enhance their knowledge in different field specially physical education. Apart from bookish knowledge it helped to secure the holistic development of the students.